Tonight was our Church Christmas party. Potluck dinner and Christmas program. The couple in charge of the program asked if our children would be the live nativity. It was a pretty simple setup. After the first song, Mary, Joseph and baby come on stage and sit/stand in the stable, the shepherd and sheep, and the 3 kings all enter and stand on the other side of the stage. 2 songs. Then everyone leaves Mary and the baby for a lullaby. Then everyone comes back and forms the traditional stable scene. Simple right?
So here are our festive variations on the traditional scene:
On the first entrance the wise men couldn't remember where to stop and so they approached and retreated a couple of times before stopping, and then still being a bit unsure wise man #3 lay down on the stage and did a few break dancing moves.
The little sheep's costume was made from quilt batting, which allowed her to pull small tufts of fluff off as she walked leaving a little trail behind her in case she couldn't find her way off stage.
Upon second entry the wise men now knowing where to stand went right to their spot, offered their gifts and pressed their hands together in the attitude of prayer. The third little wise man began chopping the little sheep on the hear with his prayerful hands. The 2nd wise man tried to shush him and he turned on her with his hands still clasped but not so much in the attitude of prayer as much as the attitude of Jackie Chan.
P.S. I found out at church today (Sunday) that our little sheep was also fed real hay by her siblings!