August 24, 2011

The Tooth Fairy Strikes Hard

Hazel has been wiggling teeth since she was 3.  She has been insisting that the teeth are so loose that Kenneth should pull them since she was 4. She has spent nearly all of her 5th year unfulfilled.  Until today!

Hazel, Nate and Lili (our friend from across the street) were out back "swimming" in the wading pool.  I hear screaming and I see blood as Hazel slides in to the kitchen with water pouring off her.  She is babbling and crying as she gets a wad of tissues and stuffs her mouth full.  Fully hysterical, she crys and dances.  I wrap her in a towel and sit her on a stool.  "What happened, are you hurt?" She nods. "Did you fall in the pool?" negative. "Did you loose a tooth?" She pulls all the bloody tissues from her mouth and wails "Ohh, Gross!  That is disgusting!"
"Hazel, you lost a tooth"
"I know!  Gross!"
"How did it happen?"
"Alls I did was bite a tennis ball"
"Were you playing Puppy?" (A common occurrence)
"What were you doing?"
"Biting a tennis ball"
"I lost my tooth!"
"Hmm.  Hey where is the tooth?  Did you swallow it?"
"Gross, NO! It's in here, you find it" and she hands me the slobbery bloody wad of tissue to look through.
Now it is my turn to say gross!  At least she has stopped crying, and her mind has cleared.  She puts the tiny tooth in a baggie under her pillow and checks every 10 minutes to see if the tooth fairy has come yet!

1 comment:

Kami said...

When Andy lost his tooth we were visiting your parents. He was so excited for the tooth fairy! But the tooth fairy couldn't for the love of Pete find his tooth when she delivered the goods. It was a good thing because he found it later on the floor and rejoiced that the tooth fairy had "given him back his tooth." He then told me that when he went to bed that night he thought about his tooth being taken and said to himself, "It's just so precious!" and began to cry. He believes the tooth fairy must have heard him cry and took pity on him.