June 29, 2008

Star Wars Week

As in summers gone by, we have been planning nutty activities (Syd says they aren't nutty, they are fun. None the less I try not to admit to most of what we do in public) We had a Starwars watching marathon. Each day we watched one of the movies (in order of episode number).

Wednesday we had Jedi training day. We used a Jedi Name generator to make Jedi names for everyone. We had to call each other by the names all day long and wore name tags. I really loved having the kids call me “Master Annmo Achmur,” or “Master” for short. While I got breakfast ready the Padawan had to stand out in the sun rise and meditate. For breakfast they had to make a choice between the Dark Side (Cocoa Pebbles) or the light side (Fruity Pebbles). Then they had to clean the Jedi Temple and do their Eye Hand Coordination Exercises (piano practicing). Each Padawan made a light saber. For dinner we dined at the Mos Eisley Cantina; the menu included of Bantha Steaks, Ewok melons, Naboo Salad, Tatooine Bread, and Jabba slices. They also had a chance to bring the Legos to the living room and built star fighters and Pod Racers.

1 comment:

Ann said...

Um, I want to be one of your kids.

That is all.