Last Christmas my mom bought American Girl dolls for my girls. We talked about it and I decided that Rebekah was too young to care whether or not she had one. I suggested that we wait to get her one until she was 8. I was wrong.
Yesterday we had a "Pretend 8th" birthday party for Rebekah. The purpose of which was to present her the Kirsten Doll that was purchased to repair my reputation as "the best mother ever".
The girls spent the morning decorating the house and planning games. We played musical chairs, pin the petal on the flower, flower flower weed (duck duck duck goose), ate daffodil cake, Then Rebekah gotto open "presents". The kids had wrapped random things for her to open, like her old flip flops, a spoonfulof frosting, a pieceof pineapple. Then when se was sure that all the gifts were goofy, we gave the the Kirsten doll. And now all is right with the world.
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