I had to teach Relief Society today, I don't mind teaching so much as I have a difficult time trying to choose a topic. I chose to teach it about being content, I think it went well.
I stayed up too late preparing for the lesson and then I slept in long enough that I was awakened by Nate screaming to no one but me, in the living room about the general unfairness of his five year old problems. I got the little kids a bowl of rice krispies and went back upstairs to work on my lesson.
I have been feeling short tempered all day and I think my kids are (were. we put them to bed.) feeding off my impatience and they have spent the day picking at each other. Dinner was late getting on the table and to distract the girls until it was ready I sent them to take pictures of each other. I think this picture summarizes our not-so-perfect Sunday.
We have a book called "Lily's purple plastic purse" She has a bad day at school and finds a note in her bookbag that says "today was a difficult day, tomorrow will be a better one." I hope that I find that on a note pinned to my PJs when I go upstairs.
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