March 11, 2012


The elementary school held a track meet (in February).  All 4 of our elementary kids participated. Abby won several of her races, and got a ribbon for the running long jump.  They all got ribbons and had a lot of fun!  It was well organized,  I heard nothing but positive comments from the parents in the stands with us.  All the kids were happy.

The funniest part was the first race was the kindergarten 50 meter race.  The kids ran through the ribbon at the finish line and just kept running.  The announcer told them to turn around and come back.  So they all turned around a raced back to the starting line, where they finally did stop.  Then they had to walk back to the finish line to receive their ribbons! Too funny...

Also funny, while the kids were getting organized for the last race of the day, the announcer said that it was time for the parents race.  Kenneth said he would run.  Sydney asked me if she could run as a parent.  I told her she could.  There was a family behind us and their kids (19, 20 year olds) wanted to be parents too, so I graciously told them that they could.  The 4 of them went down to the starting line and were hanging around.  No one looked like they were in charge of the race, so I let the announcer know that there were some "parents" ready to run.  He laughed and told me that no one in 7 years had wanted to run in a parents race.  "It's a joke".  They threw a relay together and there were 5 teams of parents and teachers.  It was a great race!  Kenneth, Syd and the 2 kids that I told could be parents made a team together and won the race.  It turns out that the 2 kids are serious runners, they were really fast.

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