December 25, 2010

"It's 5:33, We are late!!"

We tell the kids that we want to see them AFTER 5:30am on Christmas morning.  This morning as they were charging up the stairs I heard one of them exclaim "We are Late!".  I looked at the clock 5:33.

Santa leaves the stockings on their beds and when they get up everybody brings their "loot" to our bed room to open it.  I love the excitement and the anticipation.  Santa brought silly string this year (some years he honors my wishes to not have anything to do with the messy stuff, some years the kids pester Santa with much mail and he gives in) so everyone went out at 6AM for a silly string fight in the driveway.  I thought that Santa's funny joke of giving the kids and I Snow White and the 7 dwarf PEZ dispensers.  I got Snow White. Christian = Doc, Truman = Dopey, Sydney = Sneezy, Abby = Grumpy, Rebekah = Bashful, Nate = Happy, Hazel = Sleepy.  The only match that wasn't accurate was sneezy.  So the kids were really excited and came to see what Kenneth got.  Santa had given him Woody.  Now Woody and Snow White can get together!

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