February 12, 2012

Peer Pressure

Kenneth was under the impression that no girl in her right mind would marry a boy who didn't know how to dance.  He took several dance classes at BYU and married me.  We will just say that he must not have been in his right mind when he married a girl who can't dance.

When I married Kenneth, I had the misconception that since he was a big strong guy, he would like to camp.  Boy, was I wrong. (although many years of good food on camping trips has convinced him of the error of his ways)

Kenneth had the idea of having lots of children who love to play the piano.  He had visions of us all gathered around singing and playing duets.  He has been a bit disappointed in this area.  He has been the conductor for our "Family Band".  I don't think it is as satisfying as actually playing.  The most recent music I brought home included trombone parts.  Truman and Christian have played the trombone, and Nate is thinking about playing trombone.  So I figured it wouldn't hurt to copy the part.

Kenneth was passing out the music to the kids so they could practice it, came across the trombone parts and a few minutes later I heard him warming up.  He hasn't played trombone since 7th grade, but didn't sound too bad.  

I have to say the family band is way more crazy than anything either of us dreamed up, but also more fun than I dreamed I would have as a mom.

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