October 11, 2011

500 Post = Free Giveaway

So I got myself all worked up about making sure that this 500th post was a momentous one.  I don't think I have anything that huge to share but I have decided that I will, in celebration, give away one parenting secret.  You will want to use this idea in a hurry because good ideas only work so many times and we already did it once, and we are going to do it again tomorrow.  It is possible that this idea is only good for 2 uses.


1.  Think of 1 task for each number of kids you have. Include 1 fun task and the rest can be general chores.  Number the list. (our list went like this: 1.dishes  2.practice instrument/piano 3.make a Halloween card 4.play with the dog 5.wash cupboard doors 6.bathroom 7.livingroom)

2.  Make a master list for yourself.  Post the tasks near the place where they are to be done.

3.  Choose an amount of time that you would like the tasks to be done for.  (we chose 8 minutes)

4.  Assign each kid a starting station.

5.  Set a timer and say "ready, set, go".  (Hazel is only 6, so I worked with her as many of the jobs were more difficult for her)  Everybody works at their task until the timer goes off.  Then, rotate to the next station.

I had all my work done in less than an hour!  More time to celebrate 500 posts!

P.S. tomorrow's list is: 1.fold laundry  2.play with the dog 3.bedroom 4.bookcase organizing 5.clean the van 6.sketch your jack-o-lantern plan 7.kitchen

(Update: Photos of the workers)

1 comment:

Claire said...

I would like to borrow some children so that I can participate in this cleanup at my house. Hhhhmmm. Who should I have clean the bathroom this week? Oh wait. ME. Do I have ttttoooo? I did it last week.