October 26, 2011

A rose by any other name...

So I have really tried to like brussels sprouts. I can say with confidence "I do not like brussels sprouts!" They are icky.  I have tried them frozen, fresh, dipped in butter and covered in cheese.  Tonight I tried the Cook's Illustrated "Really Good Roasted Brussels Sprouts."  They did look better than usual, especially tossed with the extra butter and toasted walnuts and a splash of lemon juice. I am swearing off Brussels Sprouts forever.  Hazel nearly threw up trying to swallow hers.  It was worth a try. 


Millen said...

Sad. I love them. They are like mini cabbages to me.

Unknown said...

They are like mini cabbages, but all the flavor of a big head is shrunk down in that tiny body!

Ann said...

We LOVE them! Especially roasted with a really strong balsamic vinegar. mmmmmm. Andrew ASKS for them on his birthday.

Claire said...

About Bitter Taste Perception

Why do some people seem to enjoy Brussels sprouts, while others can't stand them? The answer may be that genetic variation prevents some people from tasting bitter flavors found in certain vegetables. About 25% of people are unable to taste a chemical called propylthiouracil (PROP) similar to the bitter components found in cabbage, raw broccoli, coffee, tonic water, and dark beers. These people are essentially "taste-blind"—and compared to those who do respond to PROP, taste-blind people find most food and drink to be less bitter, or not bitter at all. It turns out that sensitivity to this kind of taste is due almost entirely to a single gene that encodes receptors in taste buds on the tongue. A SNP in this gene is responsible for whether a person is bitter taste-blind.

Stolen from https://www.23andme.com/health/Bitter-Taste-Perception/


Anonymous said...

Brussels Sprouts are blah, yucky, and gagarific. Can't believe it took you this many times to swear off them forever.