July 8, 2009

I'm going to Graceland

I'm going to Graceland... Graceland... Memphis Tennessee.
This stop was one that I never thought I would see. Graceland, Home of Elvis Presley. Now that we are here and the tickets to tour his mansion are $25 per person, I find that I don't love Elvis that much. I think that it was good to stop because of his status as an American Icon, but that seeing the property from the street and visiting the giftshop/museum area is enough to satisfy my dream of seeing Graceland.

The kids and a cadillac, which they were very disapointed with because it is not pink. (You had to pay to see the pink one.)

The mansion as seen from the street.

A more committed fan, paying his respects.

Nate signed the wall infront of the estate.

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