September 20, 2012

Not the Mom Today...

Well, I called my mom this morning to tell her that it was only 7am and already I am done being the mom.  I will admait that I think it is a carry over from last night when I went to bed also not wanting to be the mom.

Parenting is a lot of work.  Kenneth and I have a plan and we know what we want for our kids.  Some days the kids just don't go along with the plan and then I have to be the disciplinarian.  So, I find myself  on a Thursday morning with all of Hazel's shirts hanging in my closet (because she refused to hang them up), and she is waiting for me to take her to school (because she wouldn't get dressed or pack up her lunch or eat her breakfast).  Now she is bored (because you don't get to get our toys or watch a show when you dig yourself a hole), she is so bored that she did her piano practicing.

Kenneth made two interesting observations.  This morning he reassured me that being a good parent now will make it easier to be a good parent later.  True, but not a lot of relief when the crying girl is following me from room to room to be sure I know how miserable I am making her.  The other was last night I was expressing my concerns about my ability to parent a child who is not mine.  I am not sure what my role is sometimes.  Kenneth pointed out that the difficulty is that we don't have the same kind of plan and goals that we have for our own kids. I am feeling grateful for the husband and the plan.

So I am writing this post today because my mom's advice was to call my sister-in-law and commiserate.  Maybe you all want to know that I am now off duty as the mom today (as soon as I get Hazel to school). And when I get back from my oboe lesson, I'm going to commiserate!

1 comment:

Ian said...

We are all with you. Parenting is tough and sucky. At least we are all in it together right?